Thursday, 25 January 2007

Be nice to the trees

I am so in love with this print. It's by another etsy seller. You know how I love etsy. This one is by Manymuses she is a superstar. Anyway, I have been completely obsessed with trees for years now, I went through a huge tree photographing phase one bitter winter when I discovered how amazing naked branches are, especially when there are lots of them layered on top of eachother. Maybe that's why I like repetition so much. There's some particularly eerie ones at the bottom of my street, they intertwine in a fluid, non stick like way, that make me think about the blair witch project and a german folktale I once read about two children who wound some string through a wood so that they wouldn't get lost but they did and were eaten by a witch with a wart and a really bad mood swing. There's a badly drawn boy song that I like to think is about that folk tale, but is probably about the adventures of a tea cosy or something.

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